Welcome to the Boulder Messiah Sing-Along's MP3 practice library. Here you will find practice files for all of the choruses that we sing during our yearly holiday performances. You'll even find all of the Airs and Recitatives that are sung by our professional soloists in case you'd like to practice those as well (maybe you would like to be a future soloist...?)
There are various Messiah practice web sites already "out there" on the internet. So why create yet another one? Show
Here's why...
I felt that I could improve on what's already "out there", so on this web site you will find what I believe are practice files that are higher quality than what you'll find elsewhere on the internet. "Real" orchestral instruments have been used for both the orchestra accompaniment as well as the SATB voice parts (click here for more details on these "real" instruments). I have gone through each and every chorus, for every voice part, and done my utmost to ensure that every note agrees with the Schirmer score. I have also adjusted the tempos so that they come close to the tempos that we use in practices and performances. Hopefully you will find these files useful in your preparation for our annual performances.
As for the non-Chorus pieces, I wasn't as fussy with those in terms of ensuring exact adherance to the Schirmer edition. You will hear a few differences, mainly in that some of the MP3's have "improvisations" in places and are thus similar to how a soloist might "jazz" them up during a performance.
Listening options... Show
The easiest way to listen is to simply click a file of interest to listen to it on your computer or portable device (smart phone, iPad, etc). When listening on your computer headphones are recommended, since the built-in speaker in most home computers is about the size of a half-dollar coin and is designed more for producing a 'beep' sound than for reproducing high-fidelity audio.
If you download the files to your computer your options increase, as you can then...
Most browsers will download a file to your computer if you right-click on the file and then pick the appropriate option from the context menu. The exact wording of the menu item varies from browser to browser:
After you right-click a file and then click the 'Save...' menu item, a window will appear where you pick the place on your computer where the file is to be saved (remember where you put it!).
Key to MP3 file names Show
If you are interested in how these files were produced, click here.
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Last modification: 07/14/2012 @ 07:31:56 PM